Main Digital Marketing Trends In The Fashion Sector

Fashion is an innovative sector in which the appearance of the Internet has led to the complete transformation of the way of doing business. The existing strong competition also increases the need to be at the forefront of new communication and marketing techniques.
E-commerce or online store: During the last few years, there has been a strong increase in purchases through the Internet. The main reason is the ease of acquiring the garments without having to physically go to the store or queue and the convenience that the virtual shop window represents for the buyer. Regarding this trend, we must consider the prominence of smartphones as support for purchases. Therefore, the development of an APP can be a differentiating factor for the business.
Video Marketing: Content is still the king of the Internet. In this sense, video is one of the formats that work best, whether the objective is branding or what we want is to generate engagement. Once again, we must bear in mind that more and more reproductions are generated through mobile phones.
Influencer Marketing: There has always been a close relationship between brands and ‘in’ characters in the fashion and beauty sector – benchmarks for trends or styles. In the digital field, the same thing happens; only this time will we work with influencers. In this sense, the figure of “micro-influencers” is becoming more valuable. Although they have fewer followers, they are aimed at a specific audience that may be related to our brand.
Community in social networks: They allow us to form a more personal and close brand image. In addition, they allow two-way communication between the customer and the brand, which improves the online shopping experience. Creating a community implies making the user feel they are part of the brand, identifying with its characteristics. Undoubtedly, Instagram is the cornerstone when we talk about social commerce.
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